
Use Kafka data set as input to Predictive model
For R&D purpose, we have created a predictive model with some sample telecom customer data (input - CSV). Now, we are trying to change the input to data set and get the data from Kafka. I've created Kafka data instance and data set. When Kafka data set is referred in Data selection step, I'm seeing the following error "Unable to load data from dataset com.pega.dsm.dnode.impl.dataset.kafka.KafkaBrowseOperation cannot be cast to com.pega.dsm.dnode.api.dataset.operation.BrowseAllRecordsOperation". This is when I pushed the same csv file to the topic I've created. But on the consumer terminal, I'm seeing the csv content.
Can you please suggest on how to achieve the data (with kafka data set) we had when used CSV as input. PFA snapshot of previous data selection page.
Thank you.