
Last activity: 22 Jun 2018 5:43 EDT
Predictive Model rule
As per our client requirement, while uploadng a PMML file having error during the creation of Predective Model rule we need to achieve the below mentioned objectives, :
1. The rule should not be saved.
2. It should show how many errors are there and at which line it is present.
3. It should show XML section as it used to show in earlier version
<Pega Version 7.3.1>
In other application point 2 and 3 are working but in our application all the abovementioned 3 objectives are not working.
So to meet our objective me made some customization in the pega rules:
- pyUploadSourceFile- Step 6 added. FromStep 6 we are calling activity pyParsePredictiveModelFile
- pyParsePredictiveModelFile-Step 4 and 5 added. In step 4 we are doing Page-Remove<.pxMessageSummary> and in Step 5 Property-Remove<.pyErrors>
- pyValidatePMMLModel-Step 4, 5,6 commented and step 7(instead of step 4 ) and 8 added. In Step 7 we are validating PMML model using the model's XSD using Java and in Step 8 we are parsing the model, populate the evaluation context and available models using Java
Please help us in validating if these changes will have any adverse impact on the normal behavior of the application.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to update Categories***