
Last activity: 11 Sep 2017 4:24 EDT
Urgent: Validation is stopping from submit the case
We have
- Edit validation and
- Field and page level validation in our application.
Currently: When user clicks on submit button, application displays validation error and user can't proceed further till corrects the User Interface field values.
Client requirement: When user clicks first time submit button, validation should be displayed. But when user clicks second time submit button without correcting field values, case should be submitted.
Please guide to fulfill above client requirement
Thanks in Advance!
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
You can Save as the label style in Skin rule with some name and add additional styles (under Additional styles area) to specify a required icon (you can copy the styles from iconRequiredRight css class which is used for Pega's regular required icon).
Then use this new format and see if it works for you.
P.S : You might have to twist the css styles a bit as I am not sure if they will work as it is.
Let us know if you need more details.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Rajasekhar,
Thanks for posting your query in PSC :)
I do not find the client's requirement is correct. Because, when you have configured validation(either field or page level), then on click on submit button the processing will not proceed if the values are not meeting as per the validation condition(s). Prompting the user to correct the field(s). For example: User has set the ID field as required, kept the field empty and clicks on the submit. This shows validation message for required field and prompting to correct the values of the field.
How about specifying Edit input rule for the property? For example: User needs ID field to be containing only letters and digits, then specify the Edit input rule(pxLettersAndNumbersOnly). If user enter E123A$46 in ID field, the processed value post edit will be E123A46.
I hope this helps.

Thanks for your response.
Business requirement: Customer First Name is Mandatory, but user don't have information currently and have to create the case. Latter once he get customer first name, he will update.
Query: We have to display message to user that it is a mandatory field which you have to update now or latter.

Pegasystems Inc.
Use the below approach and let us know if this helps :)
Don't use client side validations for required, instead use css to show Required icon (if that is needed). Create a validate rule for the same with the message you desired on FirstName property. And also update some temporary/transient property on work page for holding a flag to know if it is already submitted once. Use this flag also while validating for FirstName property.

1 Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.

1 Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.

1 Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.

1 Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.
Saptarshi Bera

1 Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.

1 Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.

Could you elaborate "use css to show Required icon"
2 Create validate rule and call it from post activity step with Precondition with flag property. Guide us if our understanding is different.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
You can Save as the label style in Skin rule with some name and add additional styles (under Additional styles area) to specify a required icon (you can copy the styles from iconRequiredRight css class which is used for Pega's regular required icon).
Then use this new format and see if it works for you.
P.S : You might have to twist the css styles a bit as I am not sure if they will work as it is.
Let us know if you need more details.