
Highmark Health
Last activity: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST
Unrecognized MS Word version for generating Application Document.
Hello! I have a Pega 8.3 system that I'm accessing via Windows 10 and Office 2013. In the Pega 8.3 system, I go to generate the application document and get the following error.
"Initialization Failed. Unrecognized Microsoft Word version. Only Word 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, and 2000 are supported."
It generates part of a document and then stops. Any ideas on how to fix this?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to tag SR***
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Pegasystems Inc.
If this is the DCO document (and not Word merge) and this is 8.x, then this generation should be all done on the server and not even care about what Word version you have.
I'll see if I can tag someone from DCO here to confirm my understanding.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
This is the DCO document. I get the message, "Document generation completed. Click to save the document locally." I click to download the document and when I do, it opens the document and displays the error about the WORD version. It looks like the document is generated on the server as you stated.

Pegasystems Inc.
Is it possible to share the generated docx file?

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you getting the same error with every document or only application document?
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
I am getting the same error with the 3 document types - Application Overview, Data model, and Gap analysis.
I've attached the document that was generated.

Pegasystems Inc.
It seems this document was manually saved after generation, so it is opening fine (Data lost). Can you please share the document which is giving error on opening without saving manually.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
Here is a document that was generated and I copied it from the ServiceExport folder.
I opened via my FTP program and from my desktop and I still get the same error as when I try to open it via the download.

Pegasystems Inc.
The file which you shared is opening up fine in my windows machine. I am using office 365 to open it. Is it possible for you to try it in a machine which has office 365? If not, let us know.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
No. I don't have Office 365.

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you already raise a SR for this issue. If not, please raise one. We would need older windows+ office suite to debug this further.

Pegasystems Inc.
As suggested, please go ahead with creating an SR for the issue. Do share the SR# here for better tracking.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
Thank you for the feedback. I have opened SR-D46527.