
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 28 Jul 2016 11:29 EDT
Unable to view audit trail in 7.1.9
We are unable to view the audit trail of a work object after upgrading to 7.1.9 in any of our environments. I have reviewed the History instances for this work object (TC-49367) and have found 11 entries, but the History gadget on the Audit Details tab for this work object shows "No matching data was found." This is detrimental for us since actions are taken based on the date a work object was modified.
Is this a bug? If not, what can be done about this?
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Based on the below note from developer help, I think you didn't upgrade the V7.1.x to V7.1.9. Please confirm the same.
Rule History Details display
The View full history button on the History tab of a rule form displays the history of the rule. The system converts dates and times from the internal UTC format to your time zone, which might be different than the time zone of the person who updated the rule.
Note: If the rule was imported from another Pega 7 Platform system using the Import Archive facility, the history details display reflects only those changes made after the imported rule arrived in this Pega 7 Platform system.
Note: The system saves rule history details as instances of the History-Rule class. By default, instances of the History-Rule class correspond to rows in the pr4_history_rule
database table.
Ravi Kumar.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello. I'm not aware of any issues around this functionality. I would probably start by tracing the opening of the history. Would the generated query return results (highly unlikely, since you don't get any)? If not, what about it is missing/incorrect? Where is that built? Have you customized the history gadget and so possibly aren't passing parameters the way it is expected post update?

Pegasystems Inc.
We didn't customize this function. I traced this action and am finding a failure in EMBED-LISTPARAMS GETHISTORYLIST step 3 (rule is in Pega-EndUserUI:07-10-13). Error is: trying to retrieve property pxLatitude from a fully exposed table that does not contain it: code: SQLState: Message:
The SQL statement being run as part of step 3 is:
select pzPVStream , pxCommitDateTime from PEGARULES719.pr4_rule where pzInsKey = 'RULE-OBJ-LIST HISTORY-WORK- LISTWORKHISTORY #20140609T190831.065 GMT';
When I run the statement above in my SQL client it returns one result:
pzpvstream = blob, pxcommitdatetime = 2015-10-09 17:56:37

Pegasystems Inc.
The pzpvstream is the blob, so you're not going to get much running that sql directly, but the fact that you get one result is interesting. I'm not sure where that error ties in with the SQL query since there is not explicit reference to pxLatitude. Does that result get written to pxResults and then get filtered out downstream or does the error prevent it from going to the clipboard? Also, it seems odd that it's saying it's a fully exposed table if there is a pzpvstream. Something definitely doesn't add up here. When you look at the table in the database, is it fully exposed? It doesn't sound like it should be.

Pegasystems Inc.
Apparently the error is preventing it from going to the clipboard.
PEGARULES719.pr4_rule has no exposed columns nor does it have a column named pxLatitude.
I'm sure you would agree that this is going to require direct hands-on troubleshooting; I'm going to open an SR.

Pegasystems Inc.
If the work history is customized, you should follow this link:

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, Google is a wonderful thing.
My issue is what was discussed in that article, and I added the columns as stated. I created another work object but am still seeing the same problem.
A query of the DB shows no data has been written to pxLatitude or pxLongitude.
Updated: 12 Jan 2016 15:29 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
- I ran this script
alter table pc_history_work_pa add pxLatitude DECIMAL(19,9);
alter table pc_history_work_pa add pxLongitude DECIMAL(19,9);
- Saved the appropriate DB table objects and it works fine.
No need to restart.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you.

Can you check the history class mapping? and possibly do a test connection.
Did you guys upgrade from pega 6.X to 7.1.9

Pegasystems Inc.
I checked the mapping with a test of the connection - response from the system is "No problems found with this configuration".
We went from 7.1.5 to 7.1.9. We see this doc (covers 6.2 to 7.1.7):
Migrating audit data from old history table to new history table after upgrade(7.1.7)
The summation of this doc is: copy history from pr_history table to pc_history_xxx, confirm copy was successful, update indexes to point to pc_history_xxx
A count of the pc_history_xxx rows in our DB is 9314083 while a count of the pr_history rows is 12916 so I doubt this article applies to our problem.

Good that I expected correct from your upgrade stand point. If that is the case then the note from the developer help is true, I guess. I am not that expert in resolving your issue but we can wait on experts suggestions.
Ravi Kumar.

We just upgraded our application from 6.2.1 to 7.1.9
We have the same problem discussed above.
Our case history tables in 6.2.1 do not have a blob column and this is how the application was initially setup. Post upgrade the case history tables still do not have the blob column which is expected. Now in 7.1.9 the following rules are final and they are used to show the case history...
Both the rules are using the following properties which are not final however they are not exposed columns.
These properties were never present in Pega6 and we do not have a blob in pega7 case history tables. What do we do now ?
I believe we should change the availability of concerned OOTB reporting rules as YES. This will allow us to customize the concerned reports and exclude these properties in any application.
As such when we click the Audit Icon in the case harness we get a popup with a blank history however the case attachment details are populated as expected. The issue is revealed only on tracing the audit icon-click-event.

Also posted this in the upgrade forum...

Cognizant Technology Limited
Hi Vigneshwaran,
Could you please try the below solution. Which was given to Sean Salaz Issue and it got resolved.
Perform the following local-change:
- Add the 2 missing database columns ("pxLatitude" and "pxLongitude") to each DB table that contains history objects.
- In Pega, resave each Data-Admin-DB-Table object that writes to each of those DB tables that contain history objects.