
Unable to transact on CPMI framework layer - save or retrieve from DB not working
Hi All,
We have our applications built on CPMI framework. As part of implementation layer, we have some additional columns to the internal CPMi tables (e.g. pa_address) other than the pega provided columns.The framework layer class applies to PegaApp ruleset. But the new properties were created in the implementation rulesets.
Recently we have upgraded from Pega5.5 to Pega 7.1.8
Now we see a behaviour that out framework level CPMI application is unable to work as save & retrieve operations are not working.
When checked the DB-Table mappings, on testing them they are throwing errors regarding these additional columns as not found.
We cannot utilize the PegaApp rulset to create these properties in it. So we tried to add a production ruleset to the CPMI framework accessgroup & copied all these properties to this ruleset.
Though the DB-Table instance gets saved, we still see the same error on testing it. (Class PegaApp-Interface-Address is mapped to external data table dbo.pa_address in database prpccpmi , but the column GNAF_PID does not have the corresponding Rule-Obj-Property GNAF_PID)
Please let me know, how this can be resolved or any alternate solution
Attached in the screenshots for:
DB Table Instance.
Class Instance
Test Connection Results
Message was edited by: Lochana to add Categories