
Last activity: 20 May 2021 17:48 EDT
Unable to launch tracer second time
I am using Pega version 7.3.0 and facing one weird issue. Whenever I logs into system and launch tracer for first time, it works perfectly fine. When I close it and tries to run it for second time, Pega shows error "Cannot Launch Multiple Tracer Sessions for a requestor. This requestor is being traced by operator ABC(logged in requester)". This happens for complete tracer as well as tracing particular rule.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***
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SAI SREERAM KALLAKURI Matheswaran Ravichandran -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 31 Mar 2020 7:57 EDT

NJ Courts
We have same issue in Pega 8.3, and Pega support has asked us to upgrade to Pega 8.3, or use other browsers.
We found work-around as -
Private Edit activity pzStartTracerSession in class Data-TRACERSettings, Delete steps 2 to 6, Save rule
Now you will be able to run Tracer second-time in Chrome.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please follow the below steps:
1) Terminate the tracer (based on your operator Id) in the Designer studio -> system -> operations -> requestor management.
2) open the rule "TraceMain" (use "old:" infront of the rule if the search does not work).
3) edit the rule .
4) search by "closeallwindows ",
you can observe this script :
window.onbeforeunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
change it to :(remove before in the script)
window.onunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
Please follow the below steps:
1) Terminate the tracer (based on your operator Id) in the Designer studio -> system -> operations -> requestor management.
2) open the rule "TraceMain" (use "old:" infront of the rule if the search does not work).
3) edit the rule .
4) search by "closeallwindows ",
you can observe this script :
window.onbeforeunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
change it to :(remove before in the script)
window.onunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
Please let us know if the changes are working fine
so we can provide the hotfix for same

This solution worked for me. Can you please provide hotfix for same.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please request the HFIX-54942 from the GCS team.. They will provide you the fix

Pegasystems Inc.
Do let us know the SR# once you create it to request for a HFix. It helps us track this post until resolution.
Thank you.
Updated: 11 Feb 2020 10:07 EST

Bits in Glass
Looks the same problem is with 8.3 version. Is same HF applicable here as well?
Here I had to terminate the tracer session every time.
Jagdish Tambe

Facing the same issue here in 8.3.1. The code mentioned above is not available in the TraceMain HTML rule anymore. Has anyone found another (temporary) fix for this yet?
Updated: 11 Mar 2020 15:49 EDT

Bits in Glass
Facing this issue only on Chrome. Works fine on Firefox/ IE.
Jagdish Tambe

Sopra Steria
According to you can temporarily fix it by replacing
window.onunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
window.parent.onunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
in TraceMain
Niels Heinis Alexander Smelyanets

Facing same problem in 822 version when use chrome browser, but works perfectly fine in IE.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 31 Mar 2020 7:57 EDT

NJ Courts
We have same issue in Pega 8.3, and Pega support has asked us to upgrade to Pega 8.3, or use other browsers.
We found work-around as -
Private Edit activity pzStartTracerSession in class Data-TRACERSettings, Delete steps 2 to 6, Save rule
Now you will be able to run Tracer second-time in Chrome.
Chiranjeevi Dupati Tarun Reddy Bolla Durga Vara Prasad Narayana Rao Bali Abhilash BLR

Coforge DPA Aus Pvt Ltd
thanks this is working

Royal Bank of Canada
@VishalShah Hi Vishal, was looking for the same and this helped me too. Thank you very much.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please use another browser apart from Chrome.
There seems an issue with the Chrome browser.