
CMC Markets
Last activity: 29 Apr 2020 5:02 EDT
"Cannot Launch Multiple Tracer Sessions for a requestor" - Chrome update breaks tracer
Hi all,
We had this problem in Aug/Sep 2019 which was fixed by HFIX-54777 (HTML TraceMain rule updated with "window.onunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};"), but it's reappeared in the last 2 weeks. We're using Windows Chrome Version 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit).
PegaCRM 7.31 on Pega 7.3.1 (not cloud).
Does anyone have any solutions?
Firefox 72.0.2/IE 11 do NOT have this problem.
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Ravi Ramineni -
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Updated: 18 Feb 2020 16:00 EST

Aaseya IT Services Pvt.Ltd
Hi Chris,
Try Killing the Tracer sessions in all the Requestor sessions of the specific operator through which you have launched the Tracer. After killing all the sessions, try to login with the same operator and now observe. If still the issue is not fixed, then I think the issue is with the Browser(Chrome) which you are using currently, I think the current version is updated one. This is actually causing the problem. If this is the case, contact the system admin he can give the resolution for the browser related issues.
Thanks, Satish Mogilicherla.
Updated: 18 Feb 2020 16:00 EST

Ford Motor Company
I faced same issue, and used Edge, I encountered less occurances of this issue after using Edge
Alternatively, I havebeen using Pega Tracer Viewer, it can be downloaded at:
Updated: 18 Feb 2020 16:00 EST

Judiciary Courts of the State NJ
Same issue exists in Pega 8.x also using Brave browser. If one Tracer is launched and closed, then we see this message till we completely logout, close the browser and log back in.

Express Scripts
change the below line of code(line # 127) in TraceMain rule ( HTML). append parent to window.unload and it will work in chrome.
<script> parent.window.onunload = function(){closeAllWindows();}; </script>

The TraceMain HTML Rule is defined as "Final" how did you manage to save it to your RuleSet?

CMC Markets
Hi Elad, it's an SR you need to request from Pega. For v7.3.1 use HFIX-54777 but I don't know if this fix will work for anyone now. (You can also private checkout TraceMain and edit it)

Thanks for the tip.
I can confirm on Platform 8.3 and Chrome 80.0.3987.132 changing this line in the TraceMain HTML Rule fixes this issue:
parent.window.onbeforeunload = function(){closeAllWindows();};
Obviously checked this with Private Edit, will approach Pega Support for a permanent fix.
Chris Wang

CMC Markets
Thanks for this @EladA603 it works a treat. I'll raise an SR.

Express Scripts
I did a private edit.. if you need a permanent fix , you need to reach out pega support

CMC Markets
Hi Kiran, this was the solution we implemented last Aug/Sep, but it has recently stopped working. I assume it's because of a Chrome update.

Express Scripts
yes that is correct.. after recently chrome update HFIX-54709 changes are not working in chrome

Pegasystems Inc.
If you open a Support Request, please let us know the SR ID so that we may track this for you!
Marissa | Senior Moderator | Pega Collaboration Center

Hi Chris,
Have you raised an SR for this as we might need to use the same hotfix for our application.
Also,I am unable to find the TraceMain HTML rule in Pega 7.4.Could someone let me know if this fix is applicable in 7.4?

Express Scripts
TraceMain is available in 7.4.. in Dev Portal go to Records--> Technical-->HTML and search for TraceMain in Stream Name column..

CMC Markets
If you search for old:TraceMain and it should appear in the results

Pegasystems Inc.
Please use another browser apart from Chrome.
There seems an issue with the Chrome browser.
We found work-around as -
Private Edit activity pzStartTracerSession in class Data-TRACERSettings, Delete steps 2 to 6, Save rule
Adithya Acharya

CMC Markets
That workaround with pzStartTracerSession doesn't work for me.