Unable to Access PEGA Courses
Unable to access any of the PEGA Courses from PEGA Academy. Is there any maintenance going on and did I lose any privileges?
A timely response is appreciated.
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Unable to access any of the PEGA Courses from PEGA Academy. Is there any maintenance going on and did I lose any privileges?
A timely response is appreciated.
no maintenance at this time. That error message is usually an indication of a stale session. Please log out of Pega Academy, then log back in and you should be good to go.
I tried doing it for past 2 days and even logged in through different machine. still dint work. can you please help me out.
I had this error several times today while doing an exercise - now both the app and dev studios are un-usable for me
Same issue for me after maintainance over the weekend. Do we know how to get the exercise machine?
I had the same issue over the weekend. For me, refreshing the browser opens up the exercise but then both the app and dev studio (especially the dev studio) becomes un-usable
FYI, this was the issue I had after
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