trying to calculate the handle of a class whose instances may not be written to the database: Assign-
I am calling "pxAdjustSLA" from my my standalone activity and passing the "Service level" and "AssignmentId" as parameter to update the SLA for the assignment.
Also passing parameter "Commit" as true.
though I can see that the sla is being updated properly but on the screen I am getting below error:
trying to calculate the handle of a class whose instances may not be written to the database: Assign-: code: SQLState: Message:
I checked the tracer for newAssignPage and i see that newAssignPage is of "Assign-Workbasket" class. so I am not sure why it is trying to build handle for Assign- class.
can anyone help?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****