Is treatment mandatory
Is it mandatory to give treatment if I am using NBA designer? I am giving only 'action' and strategy is not proving any result.
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Is it mandatory to give treatment if I am using NBA designer? I am giving only 'action' and strategy is not proving any result.
The treatment is required to be set on the Action when the NBA Desginer setting has the "Channel treatment processing" option is on. This is on by default. We do not recommend to turn it off.
Can you explain your business usecase where you do not see a need of a treatment?
Hi @shanr2,
Thanks for the reply.
This is a communication implementation.The business case is we have different plans like 20M,100M etc. However each plan have different attribute(like Upload speed,Technology,Download speed) based on which they are uniquely categorized.So as a result for each plan we have to create many propositions(atleast 5-6).Now the reason why we don't want to create treatment is
1. Creation and maintenence of Treatment will be additional burden for BAU user
2. In near future we are planning to maintain content in Adobe content Management system.
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