
Navy Federal Credit Union
Last activity: 4 Dec 2020 4:51 EST
Tracer session error While Tracing Rule
Thank you for reading this question. I am getting Tracer Session Error while tracing a single rule.
Tracer session error: This rule RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY BAC-RFT-ICM-WORK-ER CREATEAUTOMATEDBULKCASE #20191122T220202.316 GMT is being traced by operator Savitha from requestor HPL0HQB4KGRTQHUTLGLBGFJKRIRP0T0ESA - Please restart tracer.
I gone through the below article please suggest me when this fix is available?
Thanks & Regards,
Savitha Dwaram
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 8 Apr 2020 14:42 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Savitha,
We usually get this error while we trace a Service rule. But still you can give a try with below local change.
Hi Savitha,
We usually get this error while we trace a Service rule. But still you can give a try with below local change.
Perform the following local-change:
1. Create an activity.
2. Add a Java step .
3. Give the following code in the java source.
((PegaAPI)tools).getSystemOperationsProvider().getListenerManagementAPI().terminateTraceForServiceInCluster("<PZINSkey for rule which you are tracing>");
4. Now, whenever faced with the tracer error , copy the InsHandle from the error alert and paste it into the java source code inside the quotes.
5. Run the activity. This will remove the Requestor instance that is blocking your tracer from running successfully.
6. Run the tracer again, it should now run successfully.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Savitha,
The mentioned BUG ID (BUG-320126) in the provided link is created for Pega 7.3 version and it got fixed in Pega 7.3.1.
Could you please let me know the Pega version that you are using?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 8 Apr 2020 14:42 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Savitha,
We usually get this error while we trace a Service rule. But still you can give a try with below local change.
Hi Savitha,
We usually get this error while we trace a Service rule. But still you can give a try with below local change.
Perform the following local-change:
1. Create an activity.
2. Add a Java step .
3. Give the following code in the java source.
((PegaAPI)tools).getSystemOperationsProvider().getListenerManagementAPI().terminateTraceForServiceInCluster("<PZINSkey for rule which you are tracing>");
4. Now, whenever faced with the tracer error , copy the InsHandle from the error alert and paste it into the java source code inside the quotes.
5. Run the activity. This will remove the Requestor instance that is blocking your tracer from running successfully.
6. Run the tracer again, it should now run successfully.
Kanneeswaran Kotteswaran Vinoth Nandhakumar Abhishek Kumar Vinay Hadule RISHABH GORE and 5 More

Navy Federal Credit Union
Hi Agarwal,
As you said I got this error while tracing Service rule. Another solution in Pega 8 version I am mentioning below.
1. Open Admin Studio , select Requestors , filter based on Operator ID .
2. Click on the extreme right side 3 dots , select Terminate Trace and Terminate options . Existing session tracer will close.
3. Come to the Dev Studio. You can able to open tracer successfully.
Thanks & Regards,
Mohana Priya Sathuragiri

Pegasystems Inc.
This is a bug in 7.3 version & fixed by hfix in 7.3,7.3.1.
Apart from this there are two workarounds -
1. In SMA -> Logging and Tracing -> Remote Logging -> click on "Clear all Rule Watches" to unblock tracer.
2. The above mbean API can also be called via designer studio in an activity java step.
This is a bug in 7.3 version & fixed by hfix in 7.3,7.3.1.
Apart from this there are two workarounds -
1. In SMA -> Logging and Tracing -> Remote Logging -> click on "Clear all Rule Watches" to unblock tracer.
2. The above mbean API can also be called via designer studio in an activity java step.
Balakrishna G

Navy Federal Credit Union
SMA will not available from 8 version on wards. Now we have two options.
1. Terminate Trace through App Studio.
2. As Agarwal mentioned through Java step in activity we can terminate Tracer. This option worked to restart Tracer for the Service Rest Rule.

Thryve Digital
Thanks for your post. very useful, it worked for me.