syslog logging? Logging operational documentation?
Can pega be configured to log to the syslogd logging daemon? Also is there documentation for pega 7 operational support such as log files etc?
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Can pega be configured to log to the syslogd logging daemon? Also is there documentation for pega 7 operational support such as log files etc?
I see that log4j has SyslogAppender (Apache Log4j 1.2.17 API) which java application can utilize that to log to syslog (e.g. Logging to the syslog from a java application « Trifork Blog / Trifork: Enterprise Java, Open Source, software solution…) . But i don't see SyslogAppender in the OOTB prlogging-1.2.14.jar so i don't think this is something can be done by simple configuration.
My bad. I overlook the net directory. You can now probably modify prlogging.xml to create your new appender using SyslogAppender from above.
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