
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 11 Nov 2015 16:35 EST
Where can we enter Ruleset "Version" usage documentation?
Our client has 2000+ Informational warnings for Ruleset Version rule type.
Warning Name: No Usage Information
And this is hurting our Compliance Score%.
I found the usage box for Ruleset but not for Ruleset "version".
Can someone help me to find where to enter the usage info for Ruleset "version"?
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Accepted Solution

In Pega 7 you can no longer access the record/ruleform for Ruleset Versions. You will be redirected to the Ruleset form. This is true even if you search for a ruleset version and click on a specific version in search results.
Will, you may want to try running resave/validate on all your ruleset versions to see if the warning goes away. It may be an older warning that is no longer valid in Pega 7. The way to make older/invalid warnings go away is to resave the rule.

Pegasystems Inc.
To my knowledge, there is no way to set the usage info for the specific version.
It seems as if these records are inheriting warning logic from a parent class (maybe it is "Rule-").
Please post the version of Pega that is reporting these errors, so that someone can investigate for you.

Write an activity to scan through the pagelist of the "ruleset" instance under the name "pyRuleSetVersionsList". Each embedded list item has the property "pyUsage". Just update it as some value and you should be able to get over this.
pageList :-
usage property to be updated:-
Let me know if you need any additional inputs. Since you have more than 2000 warnings to fix, running this via activity may be the most feasible approach,

Pegasystems Inc.
This is ML8.
Yes, activity seems a valid work around for our situation at client.
For a permanent solution - If there is no way to enter Usage for Ruleset Version, then Pega should not throw those warnings. We might want to address this issue in the product. Do we need to raise a SR?
Appreciate if there are additional comments.

I concur with you that this needs to be fixed in the product. There seems to be no way to look at ruleset-version instances and update it's usage as in older versions of pega. I am wondering if this issue is only for rulesets migrated from earlier version of pega and not in the 71 versions ? If so, then I doubt if it needs to be fixed in 71 versions.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Will, Good Morning!
If I'm not wrong...
- Non versioned & Data instance rules doesn't account in guardrail compliance score evaluation though warning appears on the rule forms.
- [well known point] the warnings on data rules are informational or a prompt message for user to add 'em explicitly in R-A-P rule, if not associated with ruleset.
Please correct otherwise & share your thoughts/observations, Thank you!
Accepted Solution

In Pega 7 you can no longer access the record/ruleform for Ruleset Versions. You will be redirected to the Ruleset form. This is true even if you search for a ruleset version and click on a specific version in search results.
Will, you may want to try running resave/validate on all your ruleset versions to see if the warning goes away. It may be an older warning that is no longer valid in Pega 7. The way to make older/invalid warnings go away is to resave the rule.

Pegasystems Inc.
Revalidate worked fine but there are too many Ruleset versions to go thru 2000+ and will take some time.
We should definitely address this in the product so that clients won't need to spend these extra hours.