Configuring embedded Elastic Search (on-premise) FTS - Parameter searchNodeCount - Documentation?
we noticed the following warning in PegaRULES.log on a Pega 8.6.5 on-premise system which runs embedded Search Service (Elastic Search) for Full Text Index & Search:
2022-10-15 21:18:16,149 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (Manager.SearchClusterAdminImpl) WARN - Elasticsearch startup: -Dindex.searchNodeCount option NOT CONFIGURED! It is recommended to use this option to enable stable node lifecycle procedures and prevent cluster corruption during restarts!
I cannot find any documentation on the suggested parameter and would like to understand its effect before setting it.
Can someone post a link to the documentation or explain what it does?
I understand that the number of search nodes is necessary to make sure the quorum is met when indexing, but so far Pega seemed to automatically derrive the total number of nodes automatically.
I also know that the embedded Elastic Search is deprecated; but for now we still have it ;-)
Thank you. Malte