Switching from Randomization(Champion Challenger) to Adaptive Model
Hi Team,
For the below requirement we are looking for some inputs. Appreciate any response
Phase 1: Build a Decision Strategy having multiple offers and use a champion challenger component for randomization. Setup/Run a multi-channel campaign and refer the decision strategy having champion challenger component for a few months.
Phase 2: Build a new Adaptive Model. Update the Decision Strategy created in Phase 1 to refer to the Adaptive Model(by replacing the Champion Challenger component).
Note: Email Offers - Pega would be sending offer data to an external system at the end of campaign run and the external system is going to trigger the offer emails to the customers. Later the external system is expected to share the Customer Response data with Pega(Clicked,Accepted etc).
1. For the offers generated during Phase 1, is it possible to load the customer response data back in Pega? since there is no Adaptive Model in place.
2. Once we switch to Adaptive Model, can the model take it to account all the customer responses received for offers generated during Phase 1?
Between Phase 1 and Phase 2, the offers would remain same.