
Merkle Inc
Last activity: 14 Sep 2020 6:41 EDT
Adaptive Models
I have done several ADM implementation assessments, and keep seen the same mistake over and over. The outcome behavior options are POSITIVE and NEGATIVE, when it should be POSITIVE and NON-POSITIVES.
The reason for this is that a model predicts the happening (1) or not happening (0) of an event.
On ADM use cases for call centers, this approach was OK as positive=accepted, negative=declined, but on web, email, and other use cases this is no longer valid.
For example, on web, the prediction is an ad click, where the positive behavior is a click, and a negative behavior is an impression minus the clicks.
Are the above statements OK? If not, what is the right approach for use cases where the user will not give a direct 'negative' response?