
Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:35 EDT
Adaptive Model is not learning as expected after migrating the working application from 7.3.1 to 8.3.3
We have an existing working CDH application in 7.3.1 environment. All our adaptive models working in our 7.3.1 environment.
We are upgrading our platform to 8.3.3 deploying the code AS-IS from 7.3 environment. Post deploying our application in 8.3 environment, adm learning is not happening in 8.3 environment.
Our Get Decision data flow runs on the mode “Make Decision and store data for later response capture” and the TTL value is set to 1 day. The capture response flow runs on “Capture response for previous decision by interaction ID” mode, with an interactionID property mentioned.
When a "GetDecision" flow is run it outputs a set of propositions which are fed in the pxDecisionResults dataset through delayed learning. The new adaptive model is included in the flow. This run also generates a unique interactionID.
For the next step, "capture response" flow is run which outputs the proposition outcome based on the interaction id and is fed to the Adaptive analytics data set.
When we check the last responses from the Adaptive Models management landing page, we DONOT see the response recorded but also the Adaptive models are not updated with the response when manually updated the Adaptive Models.
Attempted Solutions
We have an existing working CDH application in 7.3.1 environment. All our adaptive models working in our 7.3.1 environment.
We are upgrading our platform to 8.3.3 deploying the code AS-IS from 7.3 environment. Post deploying our application in 8.3 environment, adm learning is not happening in 8.3 environment.
Our Get Decision data flow runs on the mode “Make Decision and store data for later response capture” and the TTL value is set to 1 day. The capture response flow runs on “Capture response for previous decision by interaction ID” mode, with an interactionID property mentioned.
When a "GetDecision" flow is run it outputs a set of propositions which are fed in the pxDecisionResults dataset through delayed learning. The new adaptive model is included in the flow. This run also generates a unique interactionID.
For the next step, "capture response" flow is run which outputs the proposition outcome based on the interaction id and is fed to the Adaptive analytics data set.
When we check the last responses from the Adaptive Models management landing page, we DONOT see the response recorded but also the Adaptive models are not updated with the response when manually updated the Adaptive Models.
Attempted Solutions
- Changed the Agent configuration settings similar to 7.3 environment & recycled the server. Adaptive Model is not learning after making the Agent configuration changes.
- Checked the ADM node status. It’s up & running.
- Enabled the ADM logs. No Error reported. Added the logs.
- Validated the SingleCase Dataflow for CaptureResponse flow. Inputs supplied to the ADM Models. No Learning & also no error.
Anyone come across the ADM leaning issue while upgrading to 8.3? Also, we have created support request INC-134569. waiting for an update from the support team?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Support Case Details***