Support for Red Hat OpenJDK 1.8/1.11 for customized code
Issue is related to Java version.Currently customer is using oracle JDK which is going to be licensed and client wants to move to Open JDK.
The application was initially build using 6.x , then migrated from 7.x to present 8.2.8
Query is related to customized rule sets which were saved as Out of the box rules activities into the customized rule sets when they save the data its getting saved on the database. Now when moving to Open JDK will cause any problem because the jars will be of diffenrent vendors and will be different from the classes that were there in oracle JDK.
Recommmdation for moving from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK.
Client has aleady referred which says that OpenJDK is supported till Pega 8.5 There are OOTB rules [activities / Functions] which were built using the Oracle JDK in Pega 6.x . 1. Since they are compiled using Oracle JDK will it cause issues on migrating to Red Hat OpenJDK 1.8/1.11 , specially in customized rules.[Is there a way to recompile them] 2. Is there a way of identifying such rules , from the Designer studio or a DB query.