Raytheon Company
Last activity: 24 Dec 2019 8:49 EST
Specific Kafka parameter settings
See attached document
I’ve looked at the documentation provided but are still having issues
understanding how to configure this Kafka Streaming stuff
Would like explicit directions on what to exactly put into the file and the prconfig.xml file for each JVM. Sandbox is a separate cluster; separate from Dev.
Does each JVM file need the following flag ? -DNodeType=Stream
What would go into the prconfig.xml file ? Anything at all ?
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyPort" value="xxxx" /> ?
understanding that 7004 is the default
2181 is the default xxx port. 9092 is the default xxx port and 9999 is the default JMX port
Do I need a separate Kafka process for Sandbox ? If so ; How do I configure that ?
Have entries in prconfig.xml that would call out different ports. i.e ?
Same sort of questions for this scenario. Two servers ; each with 2 JVM instances; 4 total instances in the cluster. How would each JVM be configured. One Kafka process on server 1 and one on server2 ?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***