
Last activity: 23 Dec 2016 8:12 EST
Source as Data Page for PageList Property
If we create a Page List, in the property rule form, we have the Option source the Data Page, this is available as part of Pega7 Platform. If we leverage this option, there may be chance of Data Replication
For example If the Data Page is <D_Employee>
D_Employee.pxResults(100) – 100 Records , Developer is copying 100 records to Data Page
Pega is copying Data Page to PageList at the back, now the data is available in both of the entities looks like data duplication
If my requirement is to display data then I will prefer Data Page, if it persists with case then I will go by PageList , but not both
If it is parameterized Data Page, it reloads every time when Param changes, this causes the PageList Recopied, but data looks like replication. Here there is no pointers concept like C/JAVA data is available at one Place and refer to this from many places. The same thing happens for Property of Mode Single Page
String Str1 = “Hello World”;
If we create a Page List, in the property rule form, we have the Option source the Data Page, this is available as part of Pega7 Platform. If we leverage this option, there may be chance of Data Replication
For example If the Data Page is <D_Employee>
D_Employee.pxResults(100) – 100 Records , Developer is copying 100 records to Data Page
Pega is copying Data Page to PageList at the back, now the data is available in both of the entities looks like data duplication
If my requirement is to display data then I will prefer Data Page, if it persists with case then I will go by PageList , but not both
If it is parameterized Data Page, it reloads every time when Param changes, this causes the PageList Recopied, but data looks like replication. Here there is no pointers concept like C/JAVA data is available at one Place and refer to this from many places. The same thing happens for Property of Mode Single Page
String Str1 = “Hello World”;
String Str2=Str1;
Here String is stored only in one place and str1, str2 refers to same string , no duplicates
Why does Pega introduced this Option. Does this behave like R-D-E (Declare Expression)
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan| Updated Categories***