How to source dropdown with pagelist properties
I have a requirement to populate the dropdown from the pagelist properties of clipboard that too, pagelist inside a pagelist. (pagelist inside a pagelist).
E,g: Dropdwn property is Marks.
In my clipboard, I've a pagelist properties which is inside a another pagelist.
e.g: Universities is a pagelist which contains another pagelist called Students which contains the single property Marks.
Now I've a 4 Pages in Universities - Universities(4) and in those each page, I've another 2 Pages called Students - Students(2). Now I've fetch the single property marks from all those pages and populate in a single dropdown.
In the source of that Dropdown, given source as Clipboard page and page as "pyWorkPage.Universities().Students()" and source value/column as .Marks.
But no luck.
Any suggestions.?
Kind of Urgent. Thanks in Advance.