SmartInfo Error on Customization
I am taking OOTB ACTIVITY @baseclass • getSmartInfo and saving this to my class ABC in Pega 6.1 SP2.
On the second line of this Activity there is a call to 'Show-Stream' which takes the following
StreamClass Rule-HTML-Section
StreamName SmartInfo
I am unable to find this StreamName 'SmartInfo' to customize.
So I did a search and was able to find a few sections and wanted to customize HistoryItemSmartInfo from History- as an example. The HistoryItemSmartInfo Section has two properties viz. TaskName and FlowName. Since my class has the FlowName, I was able to remove the TaskName property and include only one property and save it as FlowItemSmartInfo in my class.
getHistoryItemSmartInfo Activity under History- calls HistoryItemSmartInfo on Step 3 using pyHistoryItem as the step page.
pyHistoryItem is defined on Pages & Classes Tab as of class History-.
I attempted to do the same viz. save getHistoryItemSmartInfo as getABCItemSmartInfo under class ABC. My Pages and Classes tab has pyWorkItem defined of type class ABC. In short, alI I am doing is copying the getHistoryItemSmartInfo Activity to my class and changing the references to myclass. But PEGA refuses to save saying
'StreamName Failed to find instance ABC.WorkItemSmartInfo of type Rule-Obj-HTML.'
Can some one explain to me what I am doing wrong?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***