Lanit BPM
Last activity: 16 Aug 2018 2:56 EDT
Customing error message on the LogIn form
I need to rewrite the errors on the authorization form in another language, however I can not find where the variable "pxErrorMessage" takes the value.
Fragment of the authorization form "Web-login"
<pega: when java = '<% = tools.findPage ("LoginError")! = null%>'>
<pega: when test = '! (LoginError.pxErrorMessage == "")'>
<div id = "error" class = "errorMessage" mode = "normal"> <pega: reference name = "LoginError.pxErrorMessage" /> </ div>
</ pega: when>
</ pega: when>
tell me please where can I find the data source for this variable "pxErrorMessage"
Also on the Forgot Password page
<pega: when java = '<% = tools.findPage ("ForgotPassword"). getString (". pyStatusValue"). equals ("FAIL")%>'>
<div id = "error" class = "errorMessage" mode = "normal"> <% = tools.findPage ("ForgotPassword"). getString (". pyStatusMessage")%> </ div>
</ pega: when>
in the image below you can see one of the few errors I need to find