Smart Disputes Reason Code 4863 for MasterCard
For MasterCard disputes (not on MasterCom yet) we have been getting rejects for Reason Code 4863 as it relates to UCAF Transactions.
Our issue is that we are passing in valid UCAF Information, and can see it being picked up in Reason Code Advisor but we are still able to get to RC 4863 without getting any limitation messages.
First line of verbiage under limitations reads:
A chargeback for this reason code is not allowed if a valid UCAF transaction (Universal Cardholder Authentication). As this is an electronic commerce transaction where the merchant is UCAF enabled a chargeback is not allowed if: the issuer provided the valid UCAF data and approved the transaction in the authorization response, and all other electronic commerce requirements are satisfied
We are the issuer and did approve these transactions, what we are trying to understand is whether or not we should expect RC Advisor to prevent us from getting to 4863, or if that requires manual intervention by the disputes operator?
If that is not the case, is there any insight into "and all other electronic commerce requirements are satisfied" and what fields those specifically need mapped to in Pega so we can assure we did not miss a field?
Thank you,
Evan L
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***