
Last activity: 4 Jul 2023 12:29 EDT
Section not refreshing properly.
Hi Guys ,
I am login as administer and submitted the invoices at that time invoices status is submitted. Billing manger will approve those invoices.
I am login as a billing manger and approve the invoices at that time invoices status is changed "submitted" to "sent to WD". But administer screen those invoices status is not refreshed.
How to resolve this issue.
Please help me.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 4 Jul 2023 12:29 EDT

ING Nederland
@kirtiFrom what I understand, you need to have two different work baskets, 1 is for admin to check and submit the invoices(this can be his worklist as well) and then 2nd one for manager to approve the invoices.
In the flow's assignments you need to route to corresponding work baskets. On doing this, once your case is routed to the manager, there will be no assignments for the admin to perform but once the approval is done from the manager and case is routed back to the admin, he'll have an active assignment which he/she can perform. This way you don't have to think about refreshing the screen as such.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
@kirti Hi
Did you put the Refresh condition (like Refresh Harness) anywhere.
Can you add some screenshots so that I can give the proper fix.


@SaurabhG7134 Iam using report definition as the source

ING Nederland
Hi @kirti, it's suggested to use Dpage so that you don't encounter refresh issues. Then you can also additionally add a button called "Refresh" and just call "refresh this section" as an action.

i am facing issue when i am using data page also.
Actually, my issue was. i can login with 2 users
one is admin and another one manager.
admin submit the invoices. Manger approves those invoices.
Admin after submitted the invoices. he can't close the case. for that parent case once, invoices submitted child cases are created.
Now manger approved those invoices in his side. Once manger approved the invoices status changed "submitted" to "sent to wd".
This will change in admin screen. case not close admin side right .so that invoices status not refreshed.
Once case closed and again mangers refresh the approved invoices then status will change
But i have change status with or without case close or open .
Please help me
Accepted Solution
Updated: 4 Jul 2023 12:29 EDT

ING Nederland
@kirtiFrom what I understand, you need to have two different work baskets, 1 is for admin to check and submit the invoices(this can be his worklist as well) and then 2nd one for manager to approve the invoices.
In the flow's assignments you need to route to corresponding work baskets. On doing this, once your case is routed to the manager, there will be no assignments for the admin to perform but once the approval is done from the manager and case is routed back to the admin, he'll have an active assignment which he/she can perform. This way you don't have to think about refreshing the screen as such.