
The Toronto Dominion Bank
Last activity: 5 Apr 2017 15:19 EDT
Runtime error- Robotic Automation
How to verify Runtime server is available in the system ?
I am getting below error.
- Unable to invoke robotic automation from this screen. The automation service is either unavailable or this system is not authorized to execute automations. You have the option of either quitting or continuing with your work flow
I am running the application from local machine. URL : http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/
Screen shot attached for reference
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***
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Accepted Solution

The Toronto Dominion Bank
Solution : To resolve, you have to make sure you are either loading the package in Runtime or starting the debugger in Studio. After doing one of those, you should be able to invoke robotic automations from the Pega interaction portal.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please take a look at this document for complete instructions.

The Toronto Dominion Bank
Hi Jeff,
I have followed the same instructions as per But still I am getting the same invoke error in the application. It seems like Runtime is not available.

Pegasystems Inc.
There may be an issue with your runtimeconfig file. It is often recommended to remove the files in %appdata%\Roaming\OpenSpan to make sure you have the correct configuration files.

The Toronto Dominion Bank
Hi Jeff, I have cleared the files from the path \AppData\Roaming\OpenSpan, Still I am getting the same error.
I have updated only Two xml files with the valid entries . One is RuntimeConfig.xml and another one is StudioConfig.xml. See the below and let me know if there is anything needs to be updated apart from these two files. Thank you.!
RuntimeConfig :
Hi Jeff, I have cleared the files from the path \AppData\Roaming\OpenSpan, Still I am getting the same error.
I have updated only Two xml files with the valid entries . One is RuntimeConfig.xml and another one is StudioConfig.xml. See the below and let me know if there is anything needs to be updated apart from these two files. Thank you.!
RuntimeConfig :
<!-- PegaServer tag is specific to RPA. -->
<!-- baseurl: Base address for Runtime to use for calls to request work items.-->
<PegaServer baseUrl= "http://localhost:8080/prweb/api/v1/" />
<!-- LocalApiService tag is specific to RDA. -->
<!-- enabled: If true, the Runtime will self host a REST service to accept requests from the Pega application. -->
<!-- SSL: If true, the service uses SSL and must be accessed via https. -->
<!-- port: Port the service will listen on. -->
<!-- allowedOrigins: Comma delimited list of domains that the service will accept requests from. -->
<!-- A specific domain can be given (i.e. or the subdomain may be wildcarded (i.e. * -->
<!-- Requests from any domain not in this list will be rejected. -->
<LocalApiService enabled="true" SSL="true" port="9443" allowedOrigins="*"/>
StudioConfig :
<!-- baseUrl: Address of Pega API endpoint -->
<PegaServer baseUrl="http://localhost:8080/prweb/api/v1/"/>
<!-- The following credentials allow Studio to authenticate with the Pega server. -->
<!-- This user has read only access Pega class and field names. -->
<!-- No other permissions are required by or granted to this user. -->
<!-- userName: User name used to authenticate with Pega server. -->
<!-- password: Password used to authenticate with Pega server. -->
<RDA_Credentials userName="CASysAdmin" password="install"/>

Hi Jeff,
Similar to RamarP07, we are also facing the below error, when we followed the steps mentioned in tech talk 19 on RDA:
Hi Jeff,
Similar to RamarP07, we are also facing the below error, when we followed the steps mentioned in tech talk 19 on RDA:
It will be grateful if you can advice next steps, what valid entry should be provided in RuntimeConfig.xml and StudioConfig.xml
We are working on Personal Edition 7.2.1 with HFIX-28846 installed for RDA.
Appreciate your quick response.
Note: Followed instruction updated in

Pegasystems Inc.
You should open a support ticket if you have followed the guidance exactly and it still does not work. We can't really troubleshoot these types of issues on the forums.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ramar,
Did you ever open a support ticket for this?
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you! Do you mind letting us know the support ticket number? We would tag that with this post!
Accepted Solution

The Toronto Dominion Bank
Solution : To resolve, you have to make sure you are either loading the package in Runtime or starting the debugger in Studio. After doing one of those, you should be able to invoke robotic automations from the Pega interaction portal.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ramar,
Thanks for updating the resolution here! Please let us know the support ticket number so that we can complete this thread with all its related information :)
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

The Toronto Dominion Bank
Hi,Ticket Number is: Ticket #9147-4578347

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Ramar!

Virtusa Corporation
HI All,
I have done all steps above but still i am facing the same issue.When i click on the button to launch the robotics(defined in the pre and post) it gives me the above error.
the activity i have done from my side-
1. cleared the appdata/openspan
2. confirmed the setupconfig.xml and runtimeconfig.xml has the pega url
Can any one please suggest what is the solution?
Note: PEGA version is 7.2.2

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nik,
Thanks for letting us know that this is now being pursued through SR-B39746.
Aleksandr Lamozhapov

Virtusa Corporation
Hi Lochan,
I am not sure how I should say this but this issue is not taken at priority from Pega side. I can not coordinate on this for months. I request you to expedite this SR

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nik,
Sorry to hear that. I had a look into the SR on our internal app and see that there is some progress already. The SR is progressing as per our support policies that I see listed at Support@Pega handbook
I suggest that you talk to your Account Executive in case you need to increase the priority for this SR.

EPAM Systems
Hey Ramar,
when i am trying after starting the debugger automation is getting started outside the pega only ?
Could you please let me know exactly what you referring to starting the debugger in Studio?

EPAM Systems
Hello ,
if any one able to resolve this could you please share?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lalit,
The original question in this discusion looks to be resolved with the below solution. If this solution did not work for you, please consider creating an SR with Pega Support.
Solution : To resolve, you have to make sure you are either loading the package in Runtime or starting the debugger in Studio. After doing one of those, you should be able to invoke robotic automations from the Pega interaction portal.

EPAM Systems
i have the tried the above solution but no luck .