
ING Bank
Last activity: 9 Nov 2018 18:33 EST
Error while installing Robotic automation studio/Runtime
Hi Team,
I've requested for Pega PRPC 8 software from Digital service delivery and along with PRPC 8 binaries, I've received binaries for RAS and RAR. When trying to install Robotic automation studio/Runtime on windows 10 server, I'm getting error message related to missing NativeFoundationSetup.msi (PFA snapshot). But in the binary extract, we can find NativeFoundationSetup.msi(PFA snapshot). I’ve found a thread in PDN community for the same issue, a link was provided and when clicked on it, I’m getting access denied message.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for letting us know that that link isn't working. Here is the link that will take you directly to our Robotics page and you can see all the guides here directly.
Hope that helps!

ING Bank
Hi Marissa,
But this link doesn't provide any help related to the issue we are facing. I've already found this page during my research for studio installation. I thought the link was referring to some solution to the issue I was facing.

ING Bank
Need some help with this issue.
kiran Tunuguntla

Pegasystems Inc.
Make sure that you're running as admin and, if needed, install the pre-reqs as admin first.

ING Bank
Tried running it as an admin user. But didn't help. PFA snaphsot.

ING Bank
Need some help with this issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please use the OpenSpanRuntimeEntSetup.exe to install. This is the one with the blue robot icon next to it. In the image provided, the NativeFoundationSetup.msi is the one on top of the executable. Installing through the runtime executable will install the Pega Native Foundation first and then complete the Runtime installation.
You can install Runtime and Pega Native Foundation using their respective .msi files, but you need to do so in a specific order and with specific parameters through the command line. If you wish to do it this way, please refer to the installation guide for instructions on installing through the command line:

Pegasystems Inc.
Correction: There is a known issue with the .msi for installing Runtime. Please use the .exe to complete installation.