
Phalanx Consultancy Services
Last activity: 31 Dec 2020 7:01 EST
Rule Action column in History table is always being set to Note instead of save
We are using "Save" Activity from the base class to add an entry into the history table when ever a record in the data type is being modified/added/deleted. The Ruleaction property is always being set to "Note" instead of "Save/New/Delete".
This works fine when the modifications/changes are done directly on the dataype from the records tab but when this is being invoked from an activity it doesn't work..
I have traced the activity and it shows that the step 12 "History-Add" had executed fine but then when checking the DB table, the value is not set properly..
PS: we have recently upgraded from 7.4 to 8.4.1 and it was working fine before the upgrade.