Last activity: 9 Oct 2018 13:52 EDT
RPA Scheduling service is available for winodws 10 ?
RPA Scheduling service is available for winodws 10 ?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @ManishR1,
Thank you for posting on PSC. While researching for your query on PDN, I came across these articles.
Enabling the RPA Scheduling service to simulate a Secure Attention Sequence
Installing the Robotic Process Automation Scheduling service This article states the below:
This service is available for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 R2. Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 requires build 8.0.1067 or later.
Hope it helps!
Thanks Lochana.
Basically we are using windows 10 vm for RDA execution and now it is time to convert on RPA with Scheduler service. the doc which you shared does not specify does scheduler service support windows 10 or not.
It is ONLY available for win 7 and windows server 2012 R2.
Please clarify.
Manish R
Updated: 18 May 2018 0:49 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Manish,
Thanks for your follow-up reply. My understanding is this - if the document does not specify availability for windows 10, it means that it is not supported. However, I shall get this confirmed by an SME.
Pegasystems Inc.
This is correct. RPA Scheduling Service does not currently support Windows 10. Support is expected to be available in late June.
Thanks All, Can i use windows scheduler service in place of Pega ( Openspan) Scheduler service on windows 10 to run my RPA bot.
Manish R
JC Romero
On the same line i have one more question; we have built our BOT manager on windows server 2012 R2 and respective BOTs have been installed on Windows 10 VMs.
1. Would it be possible to install Scheduler service on Windows server 2012 R2 and execute BOT on windows 10 VMs.
2. Do we have any architecture diagram how we can handle this kind of request?
3.Can we use windows scheduler service instead of Openspan scheduler service to schedule bot.
Accenture Brazil
The RPA Scheduled Service still continues without support Windows 10?