
Last activity: 7 Jul 2022 19:54 EDT
RPA : Any other way to invoke Queue for robot other than thru flow
Hi ,
As a part of Robotics integration , we already sending the Work to Robot with Queue for Robot smart shape . But we have a new requirement like what we enter in the pulse should go to Robot queue .
Is there any way that i can do .?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***
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Accepted Solution

@Gunasekaran Baskaran : I resolved the issue , by saving the pulse note on the pyWorkpage eveytime on a property which is exposed as a relevant record . Next time when flow calls the Queue for Robot assignment , pulse commented is moved to bot .
Thanks for that

Pegasystems Inc.
Pulse messages are meant to be collaboration notes over a case not inputs for a robot to process. Why do you need the robot to process these? Could you provide more details about the scenario?

@Angel Hermira Its not for processing by Robot , but we want to add the comments added in pega to appear in the backend mainframe system .
When pega goes down , users will continue to work in the mainframe system and they want to see what is happened till that point in the main frame system

Pegasystems Inc.
A couple of questions to understand better your scenario. Is your Pega system not configured for high availability and resilience? The Pega application should not go down if correctly configured.
How do you plan to add the Pulse notes to the mainframe system. Do you have an API available?

@Angel Hermira Its not only the availability but also the functioanl requirement .
when we submit an assignment , we are moving the task to the Robot queue , but i dont understand how to move the comments entered in the pulse to the Robot queue .
Any help is highely appreciated .

Pegasystems Inc.
Is it the robot who updates the mainframe system?
The assignment and the Pulse notes are two separate things. The assignment is the task presented to the bot or the human for processing. The Pulse notes are comments for the overall case. These two are triggered on complete different times. The robot will pick up the assignment immediately after it is created. The Pulse notes are independent and can be created even while the bot it is processing the assignment or after done it.
What is your exact requirement about the Pulse notes?, does the bot need to pass any Pulse notes existing in the case at the time the assignment it is processed? what about Pulse notes added after it?

J P Morgan Chase
@Srikanth Gaddamanugu you may use the API approach. on submit you invoke the API in from your queue activity that will post the message to the robot queue using service connect

@UjasM341 : But when we add any message into pulse , it will add any entry into the back end table linking with the case pzInskey . I dont have any handle to fire the api .
or is there an extension point after adding to pulse from where we can fire the api

@ThomasSasnett : Could suggest any solution to this question

Pegasystems Inc.
@Srikanth Gaddamanugu This sounds like something you need to address within your case structure. I will defer to Angel on the best way to handle that. From the robotics perspective, once you have your case in the work queue, the bot would process it.

Please try below mentioned option.. Pega will be holding all pulse related information in below mentioned tables and queue processor will be responsible for processing pulse related conversation..
pyProcessNotification is the queue processor which will be responsible for handling pulse related conversation.. Inside this queue processor activity we will be having an extension activity pySendNotification (Pega-Notification-Email).. In this extension activity have you custom logic to invoke a bot..
- Have a separate flow (Flow should be in your work-object class from where pulse post is getting added) in which you will be having logic to queue request to bot and process that...
- In pySendNotification extension activity open the respective case from which pulse comment has been posted and use Flow-New method and invoke the flow which you have created as like mentioned in first step.. Flow-New method will help you to include a ad-hoc flow process into case which will not be avail in case life cycle... After you initiated this flow bot can start processing the pulse request..
- The above 2 mentioned step will help you to queue the pulse request to bot and achieve your business need....
Pulse related information will get stored in below mentioned tabled...
Please try below mentioned option.. Pega will be holding all pulse related information in below mentioned tables and queue processor will be responsible for processing pulse related conversation..
pyProcessNotification is the queue processor which will be responsible for handling pulse related conversation.. Inside this queue processor activity we will be having an extension activity pySendNotification (Pega-Notification-Email).. In this extension activity have you custom logic to invoke a bot..
- Have a separate flow (Flow should be in your work-object class from where pulse post is getting added) in which you will be having logic to queue request to bot and process that...
- In pySendNotification extension activity open the respective case from which pulse comment has been posted and use Flow-New method and invoke the flow which you have created as like mentioned in first step.. Flow-New method will help you to include a ad-hoc flow process into case which will not be avail in case life cycle... After you initiated this flow bot can start processing the pulse request..
- The above 2 mentioned step will help you to queue the pulse request to bot and achieve your business need....
Pulse related information will get stored in below mentioned tabled...
- PegaSocial-Message
- Data-Notification-Parameters
- Data-Notification-Recipient
- Pega-Notification
Accepted Solution

@Gunasekaran Baskaran : I resolved the issue , by saving the pulse note on the pyWorkpage eveytime on a property which is exposed as a relevant record . Next time when flow calls the Queue for Robot assignment , pulse commented is moved to bot .
Thanks for that