
Infosys Ltd
Last activity: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT
Report filter query
I came across below questions while preparing for PCBA. Can anyone help with the answer?
1) A report needs to filter records whose location is either NewYork or Boston. Which of below will be a right answer?
a. Location = Newyork OR Boston
b. Location = Newyork OR Location=Boston
2) Scenario: In an online grocery shopping, user selects Membership Type, enters zip code to pull up city, state etc., and adds any special instructions for the delivery person. What will be the datasource for these fields?
Membership Type - Pega DB or Local DB or No DB
Address - Pega DB or Local DB or No DB
Instructions - Pega DB or Local DB or No DB
Based on my understanding, i am assuming answer is Membership Type - Local DB Address - Pega DB Instructions - No DB. Is this correct?