
Last activity: 9 Mar 2019 15:33 EST
Report Definition is not fetching the data from Exposed Column
To improve the report performance , optimized the property which is in work class and data is saving to that exposed column but RD is still fetching data from BLOB.
In Property advanced tab,I could see it is optimized only for work class(TGB-FAS-Work) not to implementation classes (TGB-FAS-Work-AP) & (TGB-FAS-Work-EM).
If I try to optimize again,getting the error "Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'TotalAmount' in table 'dbo.pc_TGB_FAS_Work' is specified more than once."
Tried below approaches:
1. Saved the Work class Database table after optimizing
2. Saved the RD to new Ruleset version
Any Suggestions to fix this?