
Zensar Technologies Ltd
Last activity: 26 Mar 2024 2:30 EDT
Repair WorkObject Within Flow
Scenario = How to fix the workobject which got stucked between 2 assignments in production environment?
We need to handle this in a way so that there will be no data loss.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 23 Mar 2024 6:12 EDT

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 ok. Usually what can be done is we can restart stage using ootb activity. Before that we need to identify the reason for problem flow. If its because SLA got stuck due to some reason or external service is not available etc etc we can restart stage and proceed. Data will not be lost, we are restarting the cycle. If the error is due to lock or something we just can fetch that assignment using ootb report definition and then submit it, it will be processed.
Best Design->Wherever we have api calls or email sending, it's better to implement exceptional handling so that problem flow won't occur.

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Hi @AbhishekC1725,
Please run utility manually on that work object, Copy required data that you want to have and delete those assignments, You can either restart the stage or restart the flow.
Thank you.

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Hanuprasad Thanks for response

Maantic Inc
Is is stuck in broken process? Can you try this:
Call FixProblemAssignments OOTB activity and pass pxLockHandle as parameter.

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 can you check under pxflow where it is stuck and what is the reason for it?
You would be able to see problem flow there. Get the assignment key from there, filter it in assign-workbasket class and you would see the error.
Also in the current stage how many assignments are already passed through?

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Hi, Thanks for response. Actually it's a scenario based question. I got somewhere.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 23 Mar 2024 6:12 EDT

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 ok. Usually what can be done is we can restart stage using ootb activity. Before that we need to identify the reason for problem flow. If its because SLA got stuck due to some reason or external service is not available etc etc we can restart stage and proceed. Data will not be lost, we are restarting the cycle. If the error is due to lock or something we just can fetch that assignment using ootb report definition and then submit it, it will be processed.
Best Design->Wherever we have api calls or email sending, it's better to implement exceptional handling so that problem flow won't occur.

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Thanks, for clear explanation. Will explore Problem Flow also.