
Infosys Limited
Last activity: 25 Jun 2018 16:02 EDT
Relating entries in PR_SYS_QUEUE_SLA table to their Case IDs
Can anyone tell me if there is anyway to relate the entries in the PR_SYS_QUEUE_SLA table to their corresponding Case IDs.
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Pegasystems Inc.
The assignment handle would show the work object ID. The property is included in the blob data for the queue item. You can view the data by opening the queue item instance in Designer Studio.

Infosys Limited
Thanks for your reply. We are actually seeing sla notifications sent for resolved cases in the life. So I wanted to look for a particular work object in this table (using case number) but I am unable to as the case number is in blob data and we can't expose the column. Can you think of any way this can be achieved or possible reason why the sla for resolved cases is still active?

Pegasystems Inc.
You could modify the System-Queue-ServiceLevel InstanceList list view to display the data needed. You can add filters to limit your results. As for why the SLA would still exist for resolved cases, I would start by reviewing the history of those work objects to understand the steps taken prior to the resolution. Are there any patterns when the issue occurs?

Infosys Limited
I am quite new to Pega. Can you tell me how to review history of workobjects.
Also this issue seems to be happing for every resolved case and we don't know from when.
Seems to be from a very long time.

Pegasystems Inc.
It would depend on how your user interface is set up. In my 7.2.2 system where I am using OOTB harnesses, I can view the history by opening the work object and clicking on the Audit tab.

Aaseya IT Solutions

Infosys Limited
The issue we are facing is that cases which are resolved are having sla expire notifications being sent for them. So want to stop the sla notifications being sent for resolved cases. Anything you can think of to resolve this.

Pegasystems Inc.
HI Shankar,
If you have a case where SLA fires for a resolved work item somehow, you can consider deleting the related SLA entries from SMA or DB.

Infosys Limited
Thank you. But is there a way to stop the sla activity itself once the workobject gets resolved.
Where do you think the sla is kept alive once the workobject is resolved.