Last activity: 8 Sep 2023 17:53 EDT
Pega SLA table pr_sys_queue_sla to be migrated or not from onprem to pegacloud for inflight cases
we are having 4 applications hosted on different on premise servers , planning to migrate to one pegacloud server now.
we have included work, history, assignment, attachment , data tables for the data migration from on prem to cloud.
Question is what all tables need to be included for SLAs to be correctly working for inflight cases, is it just pr_sys_queue_sla table or any other table data?
If the answer is yes to pr_sys_queue_sla table, then since we are having multiple application data to be pushed to single table, is there a chance of same key issue and entry conflicting with other application data, key is pyItemId for this table, so there may be a chance of another application having same key, is that a possibility?