Reassign of Screenflow from one worklist to other user worklist
Currently our application is built on pega constellation and we have requirement to reassign screen flow from current user's worklist to other worklist. We implemented this by configuring local action at case level and used pxtransferassignmnetpostprocessing activity to reassign by setting reassigntype ='Operator' in the preprocessing of this flow action.
when we perform reassign on the screenflow, CreateForm_default assignment is in current user's work list and pzInternalcaseflow assignment is in new user's worklist resulting in availability of assignment in both user's worklist and the AssignTo field is displaying old user name which is not expected.
Cannot see newAssignPage as well in clipboard when we create the case, it (newAssignPage) is visible only at run time in the tracer and getting created/ removed during execution of OOTB rules
Can anyone please help to fix this so that assignment is present in new user's worklist alone. tried below article as well, but of no help
Thanks in advance.