
Last activity: 12 Jan 2022 3:51 EST
Random Placeholder generated for Text Input while using read-only formatting
We have upgraded to 8.6.2 recently, after upgrade we see that for Decimal / Currency / text inputs controls generate a random Placeholder "123456.78" at runtime even when .
Conditions to reproduce -
1. Add a decimal property to Text input / Currency control
2. Set placeholder to None in General tab
3. Presentation tab - Set Edit options to Auto
4. Scroll down to "Editable options" set Type to "Number" and Select the Checkbox- Display value using read-only formatting
5. Under readonly format select Type = Number.
We are using this so we can get £ symbol in an editable Amount text box.
At runtime pega generates a random palceholder "123456.78" .
I couldn't locate the code from where this is being generated, could be from the changes in pzGenerateTextInput function.
Any inputs will be help full. Looks like a product bug to me as we have kept placeholder to none.
Screenshot attached.