Read-Only exception that occurs randomly
I have a read-only exception that occurs randomly on this page "pyWorkPage.STParc.STList(1).ResourceList(3).pzIndexes(DPSCedreID)", Some times, the index of the page list is different but it is always the same error message saying that it can't be modified.
the whole message look like :
The page or the property pyWorkPage.STParc.STList(1).ResourceList(3).pzIndexes(DPSCedreID) is in read-only mode and can't be modified. Méthoded’appel Détails : (none)
Do you have some leads that can help me to progress in my analysis?
In the logs, By filtering with the correlation ID, I have Alert EXCP0001 raised for differentes activities that are called, I don't know if there is a link.