
Last activity: 5 May 2021 7:28 EDT
Queue Processor - Counts of yet to be processed & Over all Completed numbers.
I have created Queue Processor "ABC" , I have actually queued 10,000 Items in to it. Say currently the "ABC" Kafka topic is processing 2000th item and yet there are another 8000 items which are pending to be processed.
Quick Questions
QQ1: When "ABC" is in mid of processing, how will we know or get the count of remaining number of items that are being processed?
QQ2: Say "ABC" processed all items (there are no broken items or no delayed items), how will I get the total count of how many are processed for that single run?
Will pega provide the details of these above 2 OOTB as the details are w.r.t Kakfa Partition topics instead of Databse?
We already know that over all data of how many records are processed will be in the following table "PR_DATA_DECISION_DF_PART", but we are specifically looking for the numbers which are in questions asked in QQ1 & QQ2. Please let us know the details at the earliest.