pyRunRecordExecute proposition filter fails when called from Connect REST
Hi All - Would appreciate if anyone could reply to my below queries, with current or alternate approach
I am working on Pega 8.2.5 version
Requirement : Need to run proposition filter rule for given offer id
I am using the OTB pyRunRecordExecute of Rule-Decision-PropositionFilter class
and getting the expected results when i execute the flow within Pega studio with a Service REST simulation
request, but when I execute the same request using Connect-REST , the pyRunRecordExecute activity either
throws a null pointer exeception when offerid is passed and in other scenario does not throw exception without
offerid . When executing within studio able to get the expected result with or without offerid passed to pyRunRecordExecute
This issue is only for OTB pyRunRecordExecute of Rule-Decision-PropositionFilter class but
for my other requirement to get Strategy interaction results using OTB pyRunRecordExecute of Rule-Decision-Strategy class I am getting expected results both within studio and from Connect REST
Would appreciate any help on this
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