
Last activity: 26 Dec 2022 9:33 EST
pyFtsIncrementalIndexer is turning off automatically
We've upgraded our environment from 8.5.2 to 8.7.1 one month before. We're operating on two stream nodes and six webuser nodes.
Couple of days back Kafka stream service wasn't working on both of our stream nodes. Now we brought up the Kafka services, but the searching functionality isn't working.
We noticed that the pyFtsIncrementalIndexer is turning off automatically, and when we try to manually turn it on, after few minutes it's going to "Not Running" status.
We've shut down both of the stream nodes, cleaned up the search index directory, then rebooted the server. After doing all these steps we've manually run the pyFtsIncrementalIndexer queue processor from admin studio, but after couple of minutes it's turning off automatically.
Also in the Catalina.log files we've multiple errors related to this queue processor.
As this is happening on production environment, there's a huge business impact because of this. Please let us know what can we do to resolve this issue.