Last activity: 7 Dec 2018 10:57 EST
pxDateTime control validating day as month (XX/13/XXXX is not a valid date value)
Hello everyone!
We are working on a POC for some forms to capture data but we are stuck with this validation. Our requirement is to ask for a date with three Dropdowns instead of the typical calendar controler. We have configured it in this way:
But the control is taking the Day value as Month, so whenever we select a date after 12 it triggers the error "is not a valid date value" as shown here:
Hello everyone!
We are working on a POC for some forms to capture data but we are stuck with this validation. Our requirement is to ask for a date with three Dropdowns instead of the typical calendar controler. We have configured it in this way:
But the control is taking the Day value as Month, so whenever we select a date after 12 it triggers the error "is not a valid date value" as shown here:
We have tried changing the Read-Only Format to a Custom one but that doesn't work. I also have looked for the references on the validation but just found the PartialDate Edit Input rule (Pega-RULES:08-01-01) which could be related, but we are looking for something different that modifying Pega's code, if possible.
Does anyone know how he can modify this validation to not trigger on days after 12?
Thank you so much!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****