Purge unresolved work objects
I would like to purge/remove some of the data from our lower environments (upto PAT in Pega 7.2) for performance/data constraints.
Tables :
Work Table
I am planning to do this via SQL (delete) queries. And the records within a particular time frame have been chosen to be deleted (mentioned in query condition).
I have taken this approach as the Pega Purge wizard wont delete unresolved WO's. Also it wont give us the freedom to choose a time frame or any other further conditions.
Hence i have the following questions :
- Is there any other pega suggested approach to do these deletes?
- Are there any OOTB rules to carry out this deletion (with no or minimal customization)?
- Are there any other tables from which we need to delete the records (which are interlinked to the above tables).
- Would there be any discrepancies that you foresee due to the above changes.