
Atos Syntel
Last activity: 8 Feb 2016 5:49 EST
prpcUtils: runagent - what class should we mention for "CLASSES TO INCLUDE" parameter
I am testing the prpcUtils scripting in Pega 7.
it seems for the "runagent" argument we need the following parameters set in the file.
############################### SETTINGS FOR AGENT MANAGEMENT TOOL ##########################
# classes.included : classes to include, separate classes by commas
I know what to give for runagent.agentruleset and runagent.agentname parameters, what should i give for classes.included parameter.
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Updated: 28 Dec 2015 12:53 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dilipan,
This appears to be a copy paste error in the properties file.
There should be no classes to include required for this operation.
Hope this helps.

Amazon Corp
If we have multiple nodes in the PRPC system, will this start agents on all nodes? Is there a way to specify for it to run on a specific node?
Updated: 6 Jan 2016 9:49 EST

Atos Syntel
I need to understand how this works, i stopped the Pega-ProCom Agent AgentBulkProcessing from SMA and tried to start it using the prpcUtils script, but it didn't start.
Logs did indicate that the process was a success.
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,815 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Rule Set = Pega-ProCom Agent Name=AgentBulkProcessing
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,815 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Agents enabled. Finding Agent Queue (Data-Agent-Queue) for AgentBulkProcessing
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,815 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :1. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,816 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,316 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :2. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,316 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
I need to understand how this works, i stopped the Pega-ProCom Agent AgentBulkProcessing from SMA and tried to start it using the prpcUtils script, but it didn't start.
Logs did indicate that the process was a success.
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,815 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Rule Set = Pega-ProCom Agent Name=AgentBulkProcessing
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,815 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Agents enabled. Finding Agent Queue (Data-Agent-Queue) for AgentBulkProcessing
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,815 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :1. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:06,816 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,316 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :2. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,316 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,359 [egaRULES-MasterAgent] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( internal.async.Agent) INFO - System date: Wed Jan 06 09:43:07 EST 2016 Total memory: 547,356,672 Free memory: 234,506,144 Requestor Count: 9 Shared Pages memory usage: 0%
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,816 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :3. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:07,816 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:08,316 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :4. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:08,316 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:08,817 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :5. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:08,817 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,317 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :6. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,317 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedules not created yet for rule set Pega-ProCom
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,817 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Attemt :7. Finding Data-Agent-Queue instance...
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,817 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Schedule of Agent AgentBulkProcessing found.
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,817 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Found Data-Agent-Queue instance successfully
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,817 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( internal.async.Agent) INFO - Trying to restart agent queue in Pega-ProCom ruleset having queue number 1
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,820 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( internal.async.AgentQueue) INFO - Pega-ProCom #1: Cannot restart queue.
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,820 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - Agent Queue started successfully
[java] 2016-01-06 09:43:09,824 [ r000hzn0c] [ STANDARD] [ ] (al.util.AgentManagementUtility) INFO - No more queue items to process. Exiting the Agent Management Utility
[echo] Cleaning up temp directory...
[delete] Deleting directory /xjp/temp/tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-January-2016-09.40.45
[echo] PegaRULES Process Commander Column Population complete.
Total time: 2 minutes 26 seconds

Atos Syntel
any update on this ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dilipan,
It appears to be successful - what do you need?
There are no classes to include.

Atos Syntel
the logs says as successful, but the agent didn't start.