
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Last activity: 7 Oct 2019 13:38 EDT
Problem while updating the keytab
Attempting to connect to Hadoop HBase using the Out of the Box functionality provided in Data-Admin- Hadoop via HBase using the Java client but are experiencing errors when testing connectivity.
After entering in the host information and HBase information for the Java client, when we click the "Test Connectivity" button the following error is displayed on the screen:
"Connection cannot be established. Please check your configuration. Login failure for AG****@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM from keytab /wsapps/cores/va33dlvwbs316Cell01/nodeagent/9fcdcd355e421b1a43fecc6a8543e61b.keytab"
We used to have a keytab called srcbdfrsczbthts, since that keytab was deprecated we uploaded new keytab called AG**** keytab and same keytab referred in the keystore rule in the pega. But, in the logs I am seeing login successful for the user srcbdfrsczbthts and in the next line it is saying problem while updating the authentication config.
Can someone please help me to understand whet the issue is and how can I fix this ?
Attempting to connect to Hadoop HBase using the Out of the Box functionality provided in Data-Admin- Hadoop via HBase using the Java client but are experiencing errors when testing connectivity.
After entering in the host information and HBase information for the Java client, when we click the "Test Connectivity" button the following error is displayed on the screen:
"Connection cannot be established. Please check your configuration. Login failure for AG****@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM from keytab /wsapps/cores/va33dlvwbs316Cell01/nodeagent/9fcdcd355e421b1a43fecc6a8543e61b.keytab"
We used to have a keytab called srcbdfrsczbthts, since that keytab was deprecated we uploaded new keytab called AG**** keytab and same keytab referred in the keystore rule in the pega. But, in the logs I am seeing login successful for the user srcbdfrsczbthts and in the next line it is saying problem while updating the authentication config.
Can someone please help me to understand whet the issue is and how can I fix this ?
following is the info in logs:
DEBUG va33dlvwbs316.<Clientname>.com| Proprietary information hidden spotla - hadoop login
DEBUG va33dlvwbs316.<Clientname>.com| Proprietary information hidden spotla - hadoop login commit
DEBUG va33dlvwbs316.<Clientname>.com| Proprietary information hidden spotla - using kerberos user:srcbdfrsczbthts@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM
INFO va33dlvwbs316.<Clientname>.com| Proprietary information hidden spotla - Login successful for user srcbdfrsczbthts@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM using keytab file /wsapps/cores/va33dlvwbs316Cell01/nodeagent/ed51f8cd6248295824f583f4129b8f9b.keytab
WARN va33dlvwbs316.<Clientname>.com| Proprietary information hidden spotla - Problem while updating authentication config, Previous config: Authentication config, authType: KERBEROSclient principal:srcbdfrsczbthts@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM, masterPrincipalKey:hbase.master.kerberos.principal, masterPrincipalName:hbase/_HOST@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM, keytabFile:/wsapps/cores/va33dlvwbs316Cell01/nodeagent/ed51f8cd6248295824f583f4129b8f9b.keytab, new config: Authentication config, authType: KERBEROSclient principal:AG***@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM, masterPrincipalKey:hbase.master.kerberos.principal, masterPrincipalName:hbase/_HOST@DEVAD.<Clientname>.COM, keytabFile:/wsapps/cores/va33dlvwbs316Cell01/nodeagent/9fcdcd355e421b1a43fecc6a8543e61b.keytab