
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 8 Jul 2018 10:31 EDT
prhelp war deployment fails
We are trying to deploy Help (prhelp.war) with Pega 7.4 on Tomcat 8.5.31 / PostgreSQL 9.6 on Linux (RHEL). Browser shows says This page can't be displayed, please check the web site is correct. Initially I thought this is coming from some security settings at this client internal environment, however other war files (prweb.war and prsysmgmt.war) were deployed without any issues so I am wondering if this is a product issue. Should I create an SR for this? Known issue?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Anyways I resolved this issue by just copying prhelp.war under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps from file system directly. In Tomcat autodeploy is by default enabled, and that means I did not even have to restart Tomcat but it in a second decompressed the file and completed deployment by itself.

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you please let us know how you are accessing the help.
Kindly confirm whether have enabled URL access to online help as described in the installation document.
Enable URL access to the online help 1. Click Designer Studio > System > Settings > URLs.
2. In the Online Help URL field, enter the URL for the Help application in the format: http://host:port/prhelp
3. Click Save.
4. Log out of the Pega Platform and log back in for these changes to take effect.
From Designer studio access the help and let us know if the issue still persists.

Pegasystems Inc.
I said I am trying to deploy war file from Tomcat Manager.

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you notice any error or exception in catalina.logs during the deployment?

Pegasystems Inc.
No error. That is the first thing I would do.

Is the docBase path in your setup configured correctly?

Pegasystems Inc.
Which page in installation guide are you referring to? I have installed Pega 5 to 7 many times but I never had to configure anything to deploy.

I'm not referring to any page in the installation guide. I didn't use one when I installed Pega 7.4. However, I do know that the Pega 7.4 prhelp.war file checks out. It's working on my end.
I'm running Pega 7.4 in a docker environment based on Pega's configuration on Docker Hub ( In that environment I had to add a configuration file in order for Tomcat to find the war file. The configuration file is similar to the one found here for prsysmgmt: Maybe this helps, maybe it doesn't.
Michel Kraaij - van den Berg
Valori ~ Innovation starts with Testing
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Anyways I resolved this issue by just copying prhelp.war under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps from file system directly. In Tomcat autodeploy is by default enabled, and that means I did not even have to restart Tomcat but it in a second decompressed the file and completed deployment by itself.