
Last activity: 3 Jan 2023 7:35 EST
Unable to deploy prweb.war, DB connection issue?
Hi all,
I'm setting up Pega in a VM with CentOS 7, postgreSQL and Tomcat.
I'm having trouble deploying the prweb.war file. Each time I initiate the Tomcat server, it starts the deployment but after short, it gives me this error:
Dec 23, 2022 2:09:43 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.phase2.jdbc.AbstractJdbcJarReader
SEVERE: Entry could not be loaded from the DB, jar name=[ prprivate-data.jar] package Name [com/pega/pegarules/data/internal/access] class name [PreparedStatementInsert.class], DB connectivity may have been interrupted
After that, a long series of errors follow, but this is the first one to appear. I've tried deployment many times, and always the error seems to be the Entry could not be loaded from the DB and that connectivity fails at some point. Package name and class name change each time, so there's something stopping the connection. Could it be the firewall? Do anyone know how to check it or what should I do? Thanks,