
Posted: Mar 13, 2024
Last activity: Mar 13, 2024
Last activity: 13 Mar 2024 14:48 EDT
Pod Crash and Session/UI state Restoration in Pega 8.8 AKS deployment
We use Pega 8.8/Tomcat in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) environment. Need help to understand exactly how Pega maintains session and UI work states in unplanned outage (Pod crash/recovery) and planned outage (rolling upgrade). Based on what I can find in Pega site, it seems that
- for unplanned outage and planned outage, user will need to re-login or re-SSO (meaning session will lose)
- Pega can store UI work states in database so that the Pega can re-construct UI states when user is sent to a different Pod. Two questions
- We cannot find the setting Configure > System > High Availability > HA Cluster Settings in Dev Studio for enabling work recording for crash recovery as per the document
- Where we can set the recording frequency - we want to achieve less than one minute UI work state loss objective
Any help to confirm/clarify this understanding is much appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add Capability tags***
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