Last activity: 26 Mar 2020 7:48 EDT
Requestor state cannot be restored in PEGA 6.1 SP2
Since 2 weeks we are able to facing the issue "Requestor state cannot be restored " while attaching the work cases, files etc(Reference attached) in PEGA 6.v SP2 version in Production environment .
there is nothing logged in our PEGA logs for debugging the issue,We have asked users to clear the browser cache and restarted our application number of even times even though users facing same issue .
We identified few scheduled entries logged from 2012 in Pr_Sys_queues and pr_sys_queue_sla table ,After clearing the old entries somehow the performance improved but the issue is not resolved
Could you please let me know if any one faced similar type of issues or any thought's to fix the issue
Thank you so much in advance .
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****